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Starkweather - The Priestess Path Apprenticeship, Belly Conference,Healing
Sessions & Living our Deepest Dreams Ceremony. Celestopea Project - Dedicated to creating ecologically balanced, floating ocean communities and terra-formed, permacultured islands, grown from the mineral-rich waters of the tropical oceans. We wish to share our creations and technologies to help expand the unity, prosperity and quality of life, of all the people of Earth. The Goddess Temple - Kathy Jones and others are starting a temple dedicated to the Goddess in Glastonbury/Avalon. Spiritual Atlanta - Atlanta's first non-denominational eCommunity center. We offer you quick access to spiritual uplift and fellowship in the form of articles, columns, regularly updated web calendar, message board & chat room -- all for free! Weaving the Wisdom - A community of like-minded healers, artistans & visionaries, spinning together the threads of intentional community living, family, birth & parenting, holistic health, spirituality, education & the arts. Women of Wisdom Foundation - An internationally recognized organization created to provide diverse and innovative programs that offer women opportunities for personal growth and transformation. | |
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