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- The history behind the myths. Argos - Limited area search of the medieval and ancient. Bullfinch's Mythology - The Age of Fable or Story of Gods and Heroes by Thomas Bullfinch. The Center for Story and Symbol - Professional workshops & seminars. Resources in mythological & Jungian studies. Castlebooks Joseph Campbell Mythology - Articles, interviews, essays and Teacher lesson plans onthe Hero Mythology of Joseph Campbell. CL
Net - Chicano folklore, customs & traditions.
Classical Greek Myths - Indexed ancient stories from the University of Victoria Department of Greek & Roman studies. The Eleusinian Mysteries - The story of Demeter and her daughter, which was probably the most powerful & popular of all the sacred rites in the ancient Greek world. Encyclopedia Mythica - An award-winning, comprehensive encyclopedia of world-wide myths. Exploring Ancient World Cultures - An introduction to ancient cultures on the Internet. Fairy
Tale Art Images - Rackham, Dulac, Segur and more.
Graduate Programs in Mythological Studies The Greenman - Art, myths and more by Simon Todd. Hero's Journey - Guidance in writing your own hero/ine story along the lines of The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Homepage of Korean Folk Tales - Stories and links. Index of Egyptian Gods & Goddesses Introduction to the Sami People - Folk arts, history, and more of the Reindeer people of Scandinavia. Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore, and Drama - For all things Celtic. Joseph Campbell
Foundation - Read more about this famous mythographer who gifted us
with a new vision, and the tools to help us through these chaotic times.
Joseph Campbell Mythology Group - Exploring the world of archetype, myth, & symbol. Chat room too. Joseph Campbell Festival - Of myth, folklore & story by Keepers of the Lore. Kay Vandergrift's Snow White Page - Fairy tales and feminism. Lamhfada - Online magazine of myth & story. Beautiful site & rich content. Legends - Fairy tales, medieval epics, and more. Loggia Mythography - Exploring Greek, Roman & Celtic myth & art. The Magic Web - Mythology and folklore resources & online texts. Mystic Fire - Joseph Campbell & spiritual videos. Myth and Culture - Is focused on the myths hidden in contemporary culture. The site includes a great number of academic papers done in the Mythological Studies Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute and also includes a monthly newsletter. Mything Links - Lots of links & essays of myths from around the world. Excellent resource. Mythmedia - A collection of art images relating to Classical mythology. The Mythological Movie Club - Movies and televisions shows are our cultural dreams and by tending to them, by examining them in a multiplicity of voices through archetypal or mythological lenses, we can probe and understand the Cultural Psyche. Mythology - Essays, discussions, links at Suite 101. Mythology.org - A 2 volume CD set
of Greek & Roman myth & art.
Myths of the Holy Grail Myths & Legends - Lots of links & resources to sites on myths and legends. Mythus - Studies in comparative mythology at the University of Maryland. Norse Mythology - Resources and links. Northrop Frye - Canadian author & scholar of twenty books on Western literature, culture, myth and archetypal theory, religion and social thought. Pacifica Graduate Institute Realm of the Vague & the Obscure - A collection of Irish and Scottish folktales, medieval romances, epic prose and poetry. Science
Fiction - The New Mythology.
The SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages - Fairy tale fiction, folklore studies, and more. Traditional Fairytales - Lang Fairytales, Grimm Fairy Tales & Tales from Around the World Writer's Magazine - Story and Myth in literature, genres & more. | |
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