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A Fresh Horizon - Alternative living, spirituality and much more. Natural living and pagan resources for people that are interested in a more natural relationship with the world around them. Could you please put my site in this section Wicca + PaganFellowship of the Earth - A congregation of the Universal Life Church. dedicated to those who follow Earth Spirituality. Pagan.com - Information relating to WitchCraft, magic, Witches, Wicca, Goddess worship, pagan, heathen, and other earth-centered and nature-based religious faiths. WiccaNet - The home of Wicca and Wiccans on the web. Wicca.org - About the Church and School of Wicca, including history, course descriptions, biographies of the founders, instructional tapes for sale, and more. Witch Vox - The Witches' Voice offers the very latest in news (updated daily) related to the Modern Pagan Community. | |
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