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- Canada's commercial seal hunt has been a source of debate for over thirty years,
but few people have ever witnessed the hunt as it happens or evaluated fundamental
data about seals and sealing. Conservation International - Dedicated to aiding ecological systems and to business alternatives to prevent their exploitation. David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust - An organization dedicated to the elephants and other wildlife of Kenya. Daphne Sheldrick runs a compassionate haven & orphanage for elephants, rhinos, zebras & other wildlife that find their way to her door. EchoEco - Direct action in Oregon. EarthFirst! - Their online journal. Earth Island Institute - A great start-off site for many fascinating projects that help the planet. You can sign their petitions online easily. Greenpeace The Nature Conservancy - Dedicated to buying the world's last remaining wild places. Rainforest Action Network - Dedicated to protecting the world's vanishing rainforests. Save Salt Spring - A grassroots, dedicated group trying to protect Salt Spring Island's (in British Columbia) last remaining rainforests that are falling at an alarming rate. Sea Turtle Restoration Project - Protecting endangered sea turtles & marine biodiversity worldwide. | |
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