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Awakened Woman - Online magazine full of interesting articles about women's
issues, women's spirituality, ways of healing, book & movie reviews &
the personal essay. Covenant of the Goddess - An international organization of cooperating, autonomous Wiccan congregations and solitary practitioners. The Dark Goddesses - Great info on some of the more mysterious goddesses. A Feminine Feminist - "Feminist" has come to be identified as a woman with the masculine attitude she claims to abhor; the cool, unemotional, ball busting aggressor - the femi-nazi. Essay by Sabrina Aset. The Goddess Home Page - Intended as a refuge & a way to reconnect with Goddess energy. Goddess Moon Circles - Rich resource for Pagans. The Goddess Temple - Kathy Jones and others are starting a temple dedicated to the Goddess in Glastonbury/Avalon. Marija Gimbutas Home Page - A page dedicated to the premier archeologist and anthropologist of goddess history. Matriarchist.com - Reclaiming the soul of the feminine. Great essays. Nityabliss Painting for Freedom - Original New Age artwork dedicated to the peace in our hearts and the healing of our planet. The Search for the White Goddess - The White Goddess is one of the names given to the Earth Mother; the Moon Goddess, to Venus, Astarte, Lilith, Belili, the Muses, the Three Graces and to innumerable other female deities. She is found in the myths and legends of all cultures. Serpentina - A collaboration - both virtual and real - to bring forward and support the research, projects, and social activism of women who are weaving together threads of women-centered scholarship, origin stories, practices, methodologies, images, rituals, movement, music, films and videos to reveal, activate, and celebrate the Sacred Feminine in the 21st Century. The Shrine of the Goddess Athena - Multimedia site devoted to Athena. A Woman's Journey - A guide to the best free sources for spiritual growth and enlightenment on the Internet. Women's Spirituality M.A. Program - At the New College of California. Yoni - A webzine (most of the features you have to pay/subscribe for) in celebration of the feminine. | |
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