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University - A graduate program in transpersonal studies. Ayurveda Schools + Colleges - Different ones explained at NaturalHealers.com. California College of Ayurveda - Training to become a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist (CAS). California Institute of Integral Studies - Higher education for mind, body, spirit. Center for Story and Symbol Seminars - Approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The Center maintains responsibility for the programs. CE hours are accepted by the California MCEP program. Courses are presented at an introductory level for doctoral psychologists; these seminars are useful for those interested in archetypal perspectives. Center courses are approved for Psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs, and RNs. Evergreen State College - An unorthodox accredited state school in Washington state, where there are no majors and a lot of support for the arts and humanities. Goddard College - Accredited distance learning from undergraduate to graduate programs in creative writing, interdisciplinary arts, psychology and more. Graduate Programs in Mythological Studies + Depth Psychology - Jonathan Young's listing. He is a very helpful resource. Institute for Contemporary Shamanic Studies - A multi-disciplined, shamanic spiritual center. Offers teachings, lectures, classes, ceremonial opportunities and learning to anyone interested. We also invite other teachers within the Eight Great Powers to provide lectures, workshops and articles. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology - A private, accredited, non-sectarian graduate school offering residential and distance-learning degree prgorams for professional, educational and personal growth. Its unique curriculum focuses on six core areas of inquiry: the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, social and creative. Naropa University - Fully accredited undergraduate and graduate studies in religious studies, transpersonal psychology, expressive therapies, expressive arts, wilderness therapy, interdisciplinary studies, traditional Eastern arts and Creation Spirituality. Pacifica Graduate Institute - Graduate degrees in mythological studies, depth and counseling psychology. Sarah Lawrence College - An untraditional private accredited college with no majors on the undergraduate level and a wide range of studies in the arts. Where Joseph Campbell taught. Graduate programs in women's history, dance, theater and writing. Saybrook Graduate School - Accredited, distance education for adult learners who are interested in M.A. or Ph.D. degrees in psychology, human sciencesor organizational systems. Sonoma State University - Master's Degrees offered in depth psychology, humanistic/transpersonal psychology and art therapy at a state school. Women's Spirituality M.A. Program - At the New College of California. | |
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