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Stone - Archaeology, folklore and myth. Alsop Review - An excellent online literary journal Awakened Woman - Dedicated to women's healing and action through the Goddess. Blessed Bee Famliy Newsletter - Pagan quarterly for families. Bliss Conscious Choice Coyote Madonna - An online magazine devoted to the spiritual fusion taking place around us. Crescent Magazine - Pagan art, philosophy, and belief. Folk Roots Magazine - Folk music reviews. Get New Visions Green Man Review - Roots + branches of music and literature. Heart of Albion Press - Publishers of books and booklets on folklore, mythology, local history and much more. Horizons Magazine Inspiration Line - A weekly email magazine for people seeking encouragement and fresh perspectives. Their intent is to inspire through motivational stories, poems and uplifting quotes, while balanced with lighthearted humor, historic wonders, interesting news and helpful tips on relationship skills, health issues, world travel and more. Lamhfada - Online magazine of myth & story. Beautiful site & rich content. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Many Mountains Moving - Trans-cultural fiction. Marvels & Tales - The journal of fairy tale studies. Nexus - Colorado's Holistic Journal Pangaia Magazine Parabola Magazine Rambles - Music, fiction + folklore reviews. SageWoman - Magazine celebrating the Goddess in every woman. Shambala Shambhala Sun Magazine Utne Reader Vision Home Page Yoga Journal | |
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